Carbon Neutral

Our environmental impact is extremely important to us at JHP as the people we photograph are the ones it will affect the most. We have been on a mission to reduce and recycle materials over the last 10 years.
We set a goal to become Carbon Neutral and this year we have achieved that. We have partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain to ensure any remaining carbon footprint we create has been offset with contributions to various environmental projects around the world and here at home.

The first step was trying to reduce, reuse and recycle. We have reduced the amount of packaging we use overall by 90% over the last 10 years and where possible we reuses any packaging. We also recycle all of the waste we possibly can. Our energy comes from renewable sources and all chemistry used is cleaned inhouse using a metafix silver recovery system. We continue to improve every season with waste savings being extremely high on the agenda of improvements.

Calculating our carbon footprint

By partnering with Carbon Neutral Britain we have been able to calculate our current carbon footprint and are verified to the highest standards via the four largest Carbon Certifications in the world – the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER), UK and EU Emissions Trading Standard (EU + UK ETS), and the United Nations Certified Emission Reductions (CER) programmes.

Find out more here

Becoming Carbon Neutral

With our calculation which takes into account all aspects of the business we have financially commited to help various projects which preserve and restore eco systems around the world and locally.

Transparency is important to us so you can find our carbon report here and more details on the projects we are involved in here

Carbon Negative

We did not think it was enough just to be Carbon Neutral so we took our calculated Carbon footprint of 22.17 Tonnes of Carbon and actually offset by 45 Tonnes so that we are putting back significantly more than we are using. As well as our work with Carbon Neutral Britain we have planted a tree for ever school we have on roll approximately 400 at the time of publish, this offsets another 120 tonnes of Carbon. You can find our full Carbon Report here.

If you would like to find out more and book our services

Please get in touch by pressing the button below, or give our friendly team a ring